8 Shocking Facts About Weed That Will Change Your Life

8. Marijuana Milkshakes are Popular in India
Marijuana milkshakes, known as Bhang, are an important part of India’s culture. These drinks are especially popular on Hindu holidays, but also as an every day relaxation beverage. The Bhang lassi is made with yogurt, nuts, spices, and weed!
7. Science says that Marijuana Can Stop Some Types of Cancer
Research has shown that a marijuana compound can stop the spread of some types of cancer. Scientists conducted studies by mixing CBD (chemical found in marijuana) with a cancer-causing gene, and the results were astounding.
They found that CBD can “turn off” the cancer-causing gene, which stopped essentially stopped the spread of those cancerous cells.
6. Chocolate Produces Similar Chemical Reactions as Marijuana
Researchers found that chocolate contains chemicals that mimic the effects of marijuana, in much lower levels of course. Those chemicals found in chocolate activates the same areas in the brain as marijuana does.
5. Snoop Dogg Sold Weed to Cameron Diaz in High School
What’s more surprising, the fact that Snoop Dogg sold weed in high school or the fact that he went to school with Cameron Diaz!? Probably the latter.
4. Tupac’s Ashes Were Smoked
After Tupac Shakur’s passing, members of Shakur’s old musical group mixed his ashes with marijuana and smoked it as a tribute.
3. The First Internet Sale was Marijuana
The first item sold on the internet (over 40 years ago) was marijuana. The internet drug deal was a quiet transaction between Stanford students and students at MIT.
2. Marijuana Grows Like Weed (literally) In Bhutan and NO ONE SMOKES IT
In Bhutan, marijuana grows in the wild and is so abundant that it’s actually the main source of feed for pigs.
1. Weed Dispensaries Outnumber Starbucks in Denver, Colorado
While there are only about 80 Starbucks locations in Denver, the number of weed dispensaries are almost double of that.

7 Mistakes to Avoid When Smoking Weed With Friends

Getting together to smoke with your buds is always a good time, but there are some annoying smoking habits that can kill a good vibe.
Keep in mind these 7 mistakes to avoid when smoking weed with friends:
7. Holding the Joint for Too Long
It’s easy to get carried away in conversation while lighting up with friends, so make sure you’re not the one holding onto the joint if you’re not smoking it!
This easily leads to the joint burning out, which is a major annoyance when the next person in rotation has to light it again.
6. Stealing The Lighter
Speaking of lighters, make sure you keep the lighter’s location known at all times! It’s always a buzzkill when you go for a hit and the lighter is nowhere to be found, so don’t put the lighter in your pocket if it’s not yours. Use a lighter leash if you must.
5. Slobbering On The Joint/Bong
This should really be a no-brainer, but it’s surprising how many people do this. Do not slobber on the joint! It’s just gross.
This rule also goes for bongs and other smoking paraphernalia.
4. Being Greedy With Your Turn
When the joint comes around, take a puff or two and then pass it. Don’t get greedy and be that person that tries to take extra puffs before passing (especially if you didn’t throw down!).
Avoid this mistake when smoking with friends, because even if nobody speaks up, they will see it and remember not to invite you to smoke next time.
3. Messing Up Rotation
Messing up rotation means some people will get the joint more times than others, which just isn’t fair depending on who pitched in.
2. Scaring the Group
It seems like there’s always that guy or girl in the group who tries to scare everyone when they’re high. Making everyone paranoid is just not cool.
Don’t do it. Don’t be that person.
1. Not Throwing Down
If you didn’t pitch in for the weed, don’t take extra puffs and be sure to contribute next time.
Also, if you didn’t pitch in, then don’t complain about the quality of the free weed that you’re smoking.