The G Pen Elite is the newest dry herb vaporizer to come out of Grenco in some time and It appears they are heading in...
The Hydrology 9 is the premier vaporizer for Cloudious 9, a new entrant into the world of Cannabis vaporizers. It’s a marvelous looking vaporizer but...
The Gaia is Linx Vapors first venture into the world of dry herb vaporizers and WOW did they make an amazing device! It’s loaded with...
The Pax 3 is the much anticipated new dry herb convection vaporizer to come out of Pax Labs. It has a new shiny case, upgraded...
The DaVinci company has been making vapes since 2012, so they know whats up as far as vape technology. In November of 2016 DaVinci released...
8. Marijuana Milkshakes are Popular in India Marijuana milkshakes, known as Bhang, are an important part of India’s culture. These drinks are especially popular on Hindu...
Getting together to smoke with your buds is always a good time, but there are some annoying smoking habits that can kill a good vibe. Keep...
The Puffco Pro 2 is the latest vaporizer out by vaporizer company Puffco. They have been known for making some solid products and this one...